Edouard Philippe. Belgium, "more than a friend"


Despite Flemish roots, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe predicts a victory of France against Belgium. In an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche, he pays tribute to Belgium, which he considers "more than a neighbor, a little more than a friend, even."

Edouard Philippe pays tribute to the closeness between France and Belgium, in an interview in the Journal du Dimanche published two days before the semifinal of the football world cup, which he plans to follow "inevitably to Matignon" . to pronounce on the game of the two teams in the running, the Prime Minister emphasizes that Belgium, "it is more than a neighbor, a little more than a friend, even. We have more than one border in common: a history, a culture "

Betting on a 3-1 victory of the Blues against " Red Devils " M. Philippe, who claims Flemish roots through his Lille mother, quotes among the Belgian traits "fantasy, frankness, industrious temperament and the meaning of trade, that is to say exchanges" [19459006

Expressing himself as an amateur of Jacques Brel, Asterix and Tintin, Edouard Philippe also emphasizes, in a more serious tone, the close anti-terrorist cooperation between the two countries as well as their common attachment to Europe. and recalls that his city of Le Havre was during the First World War "the capital of Belgium in exile" .

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