Elon Musk assembles a submarine to rescue children imprisoned in a Thai cave


The rescue operations for the group of 13 have been bogged down for two weeks. Asked by Twitter, the CEO of Tesla offers a whole series of solutions to help this dozen children stuck with their coach in a cave in Thailand.

Used to react to this kind of arrests on Twitter, Elon Musk once again reacted to a visitor's tweet asking him what he was going to do to deal with this dramatic situation for young footballers. After sending a team of engineers on the spot and proposing several solutions, the boss of Tesla and SpaceX takes the next step.

The most serious and last solution envisaged by the visionary: neither more nor less than a sub- Marine specially designed for the rescue of children. On Twitter, Elon Musk details the different parts of his plan. This small submersible means of transport will be made from a liquid oxygen transfer tube, small enough to infiltrate the cavern and light enough to carry to children trapped by divers.

The vehicle would be " Suitable for a child or a small adult to minimize free air. The apparatus would also be provided to accommodate weights to maintain good buoyancy, and locations to accommodate oxygen tanks. This Saturday, Elon Musk claimed that his vehicle was already being badembled by the SpaceX team and that it would be sent to Thailand as soon as it was completed.

In the meantime, rescuers set out to join the children and their trainer through a vast operation that should last 4 days in total, with a 6 hour long dive. The solution proposed by Elon Musk could really allow the 13 victims of the floods to evacuate their stone prison by discarding the need to give their intensive diving course.

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