Elon Musk treats a "pedophile" rescuer


New slippage for Elon Musk. On Sunday, the creator of Tesla called a "pedophile" one of the divers responsible for rescuing children trapped in a Thai cave. The person concerned plans to lodge a complaint

Certainly, Elon Musk is not at a controversy. On Sunday, the whimsical billionaire, boss of the US group Tesla and SpaceX, once again won out on social networks. Its target this time: a British diver, involved in the rescue of twelve teenagers trapped in a Thai cave.

On Twitter, the extravagant inventor indulged in an unnamed attack against the speleologist, treating him, among others, from "pedophile" . So asked by a surfer, if he had evidence of what he said, Musk simply replied that he "bet it's true" . And added a layer: "at no time did I meet this British expatriate living in Thailand (suspect) in the cave" . Musk seems to imply: A British emigrant to Thailand is, by definition, questionable. The Asian country is indeed considered as a hub for the badual exploitation of minors. Shortly after, the burst of hateful tweets disappeared from the web.

Elon Musk deleted his tweet but the internet remembers. Yes, over the weekend Elon really did call the Thai rescuer hero to pedophile for refusing his help. pic.twitter.com/wXoviVRsH5

– Fishbones (@ Fishbones2017) July 16, 2018

"Sorry, the pedophile, but you searched for it"

Friday, the British Vern Unsworth gave an interview to CNN, in which he openly criticized the billionaire's plans. He had offered a miniature submarine to the rescue team to help evacuate the children from the cave. According to Unsworth, the craft "could not have advanced more than 50 meters in the cellars" . The diver denounced a "publicity stunt" only intended to make the entrepreneur talk. In view of Elon Musk's tweets, Unsworth said on Monday that he plans to make a complaint.

The inventor of South African origin is not at his first skid. Some media have attracted a volley of greenwood, after reporting production problems in the new Tesla line. And last December, Musk had treated "idiot" a transportation expert who had criticized him for his vision of public transportation.

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