Entrance exam in medicine: chemistry and physics remain the "black beasts"



The July test of the entrance examination for studies in medicine and dentistry in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation closed on Friday at 17:00 at the Brussels Expo Palace. At the exit, students argued that they found chemistry and physics particularly difficult.

They also said they were destabilized by the form of multiple choice questionnaires, especially since a wrong answer leads to the loss of one point. The test consisted of a total of 120 multiple choice questions divided into 2 sets of 60 questions on the 4 science subjects (chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics) in the morning and the 4 topics related to communication and badysis. Criticism of information (reasoning, communication, ethics, empathy) in the afternoon

Some people feared in 2017 these last more literary subjects, lack of preparation. However, the success rate was close to 80%. With this year's preparations, apprehensions had dissipated. "I would say that only one tenth of the students stayed until the end of the afternoon test," said one of the French candidates. "Most came out early."

In the morning, almost everyone stayed to the end, and those who went out said they did not want to double-check their answers and let themselves be won over by doubt. In France, when you have multiple choice questions, you do not have any negative points, you have to develop strategies to ensure points, and prefer not to answer certain questions in case of doubt … "[19659004] "We are not sufficiently prepared for the MCQ", abounds in its meaning a Belgian candidate. "That's what made me a problem, they play on words, on sentences, and you have to combine that with chemistry, for example, physics is complicated in itself anyway. It must also be badociated with a multiple choice and that complicates the test. "

If chemistry and physics were judged to be more difficult than the tests available online, the few candidates interviewed considered that mathematics and biology were of the same level or even simpler still.

Students who will have an average of at least 10/20 for each of the 2 parts and a minimum of 8/20 for each of the 8 subjects will obtain a certificate of success. Non-resident laureates may be ranked if their number exceeds 30% of successes.

This year, a second session of the exam will be held on September 5.

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