Erdogan calls Israel "the most fascist and racist state in the world"



Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday called Israel "the most fascist and racist state in the world" after the vote last week by Parliament Israeli law defining the country as "the nation-state of the Jewish people."

"This measure showed without leaving any room for doubt that Israel was the most Zionist state, the most fascist and the most racist in the world, "Erdogan said in a speech to his parliamentary group in Ankara, while MPs shouted" cursed Israel. "

The text adopted last Thursday by the Israeli Parliament refers to The State of Israel as the national state of the Jewish people where it applies its natural, cultural, religious, historical law, "stating that" the right to exercise self-determination within the State of Israel is reserved only for the Jewish people. "[19659005] The Turkish government had already criticized the law last week, accusing the Israeli authorities of seeking to establish an "apartheid state". "The spirit of Hitler that brought the world to a great catastrophe has once again flourished among some Israeli leaders," Erdogan said on Tuesday.

"I call the Muslim world, the Christian community, all countries, organizations, NGOs, democratic journalists and defenders of liberties in the world to take action against Israel, "he added.

These statements come amidst tensions between Israel and Turkey, which is critical regularly Israeli policy regarding Palestinians or Muslim places of worship in Jerusalem. Sign of the state of relations between the two countries, Ankara in May summed the ambbadador of Israel in Turkey to leave the country temporarily.

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