Alexandra Saintpierre
(Boursier.com) – EVS Broadcast Equipment can begin to benefit from deductions for innovation revenues. This scheme allows Belgian companies to benefit from tax deductions on profits from innovation revenues. As a leader in the live video production market, EVS is constantly innovating by launching new products and improving its existing products, "said Pierre De Muelenaere, interim CEO.
To do this, Over the years, EVS has built a team of more than 250 engineers, working on innovation in our headquarters in Liège, but also in our development centers in Brussels, Paris, Toulouse and Darmstadt
total, EVS invests more than 25 million euros each year in research and development activities.
Thanks to the demonstration of the innovative nature of the activities of EVS made to the Public Programming Service of the Federal Science Policy Office (Belspo) and at the recent validation for the Advance Decisions Service, EVS will record an extraordinary tax deduction of 6.6 million euros in the second quarter of 2018, in relation with the second semester Since the tax deduction depends mainly on the level of income, the exact amount for 1T18 and 2T18 will be communicated on August 30, together with the results for the first half of 2018.
Axel Blanckaert , CTO of EVS, said: This type of incentive is very positive and reinforces EVS in its desire to build a strong R & D center in Belgium, alongside our other development centers
. [19659007] © 2018, Boursier.com
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