excesses on the sidelines of the party


In the evening, the party was cut short on the Champs-Elysées where some thugs have invested the place. Cars smashed, even burned, shops looted … Incidents took place in the streets of the capital, but also in other cities in France, such as Lyon or Rouen. Update on the situation at midnight

In the late evening, the atmosphere became heavy on the Champs-Elysees where a "good child" atmosphere prevailed since the victory of the Blues against Croatia. But it was without counting the presence of breakers … We make the point on the various incidents which enamelled the celebrations for the victory of the Blues, in the capital, but also in other cities.

Clashes between rioters and CRS

Crackers launched from 23 hours projectiles, like bottles, on the police, who responded with shots of gas tear, says journalist journalist Jean-Baptiste Semerdjian on Twitter.

"Clashes between rioters and CRS. People flee through the adjacent streets, "says another of our journalists, Paul Carcenac, present on site, before noting that the clashes were moving towards the Arc de Triomphe.

Another of our journalists, Sophie de Ravinel, says that a family was shot down by an empty glbad bottle. "It's not too much time for families," she adds, "

It's not too much family time. One of them has dequanillé after being targeted by an empty glbad bottle.

– Sophie de Ravinel (@ S2RVNL) July 15, 2018

It mentions "mortars". "It's painful these mortars. It explodes your ears. A lot of young people around the Star seek authorities, police, gendarmes and firefighters, who feel as besieged. It's time for the vandals, "she says.

A brawl between two groups of thugs reportedly injured one person while seven people were arrested in Paris, which is a provisional record.

Looted Stores

Incidents confirmed by several other journalists. According to AFP, some thirty young people in particular have stalled and looted the Drugstore Publicis des Champs

Thirty young people broke and pillaged Sunday night the Drugstore Publicis of the Champs-Elysées, in Paris, where hundreds of thousands of celebrate the French victory at the World Cup #AFP pic.twitter.com/J4cTs95BnW

– Agence France-Presse (@afpfr) 15 July 2018

"The feast is wasted because of a handful of breakers, shabby, "indignant Jeanne d'Hauteserre, the mayor of the 8th arrondissement, on Twitter.

The Intermarché Avenue of the Grande Armée in Paris was also looted by "supporters". Our journalist Sophie de Tarlé also reports a scene of looting in a Franprix Boulevard Haussmann.

A bar on Avenue Bosquet in Paris, not far from the Champ-de-Mars where the game was broadcast, was also the target of destruction.

Vehicles destroyed

Cars were also severely damaged in the capital. Our journalist Jean-Marc de Jaeger saw a car burn Boulevard de la Madeleine.

Many cars were damaged. We do not have numbers yet. Example of an Autolib destroyed by a group of young people …

Also in Paris, our journalist Caroline Piquet observed "broken windows" on line 13 of the Paris metro. The travelers had to go down to the Liège station.

Firefighters have also been targeted by supporters, according to France 3.

And in the provinces …

Incidents also took place in the provinces. In Rouen, two journalists were hit because they filmed a brawl …

In Grenoble, the police were the target of projectile throwing, according to Le Dauphiné Libéré . Police and gendarmes then responded by firing tear gas. Garbage cans were burned, windows of bus shelters broken and thirty cars overturned.

In Lyon, place Bellecour, "the party will have been short-lived", according to a TF1 journalist present on site. "Jets of projectiles against tear gas a few minutes after the handing-over of the World Cup …", explains Yannis Matisse on Twitter.

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