EXCLUDED – Benjamin Castaldi, his confidences about his wife: "I owe my rebirth to Aurore"


For the first time, the host of C8 and his wife open the door of their Paris home, cocoon of a tribe recomposed well in his sneakers. The end of the galleys for Benjamin Castaldi?

" Be warned: there is a woman here, five children and two dogs … Welcome to this happy bazaar! "Benjamin Castaldi opens the door that leads to his house nestled in a courtyard in the heart of Paris. The sun has long been up, but the host has just emerged. His eyes are still a little misty. " Whatever time I get up, anyway, my mouth, she is not awake before noon! »The host offers us a coffee, makes one. Soon, in the lounge bathed in light, where the first Cesar won by Simone Signoret, his beloved grandmother, for Life ahead, is the parade. First descends Simon, the youngest, eighteen years old, a ferry S to iron . Followed by his pretty girlfriend, Johanna. Julien, the eldest, twenty-one years old, who took his independence recently, arrives . He too, accompanied by a charming Chiara. Then comes Enzo, the "youngest" of fourteen years, born of the love of Benjamin with the host of RTL Flavie Flament . The two dogs, jack russel – aptly named Jack – and Nalla, a young golden retriever – wriggle with happiness.

Aurore, wife of the chronicler of Touche not at my post !, on C8, goes down in turn . She is followed by her two daughters, Jade (seventeen) and Louise (thirteen) . Everyone kisses, carts, it's the souk. " We have not always been so close, says his eldest, Julien. The life, the work of our father, his travels, his commitments have sometimes separated us from each other … " To be honest, I was not an exemplary father for my boys, far from the. The two big ones, for a long time, I had them only one weekend out of two. And still, when my job allowed me … I'm catching up today! admits Benji. " For three years, we have been forming a real clan, a beautiful family ," concludes Julien. They are "Casta" as they like to call themselves. At forty-eight years old, the paterfamilias shows serenity, badurance and authority … all relative. " Anyway, they do not listen to anything. Whether it be my sons or my daughters-in-law, we must repeat everything to them a hundred times ", he notes …

There is among the seven members of this reconstituted tribe a respect, a benevolence and a lot humor . They love each other and that feels. They are happy and it shows. " I know my luck, admits Benjamin Castaldi, life has been extremely generous with me. But I have not always been vigilant, especially in business. And when the bill came up, it was salty. "His face is closed, he says:" A few years ago, after TF1 ended my exclusive contract, I was the victim of a huge financial scam. I lost everything: my house, my belongings, my car, everything … "he murmurs. At that time, the ushers rang out at his house every morning. One of them even forced the door … Trials are still in progress. Benjamin knows it, he is not yet out of the woods: " I hope that it will be settled in the months, even the years to come. In the meantime, I do not want to cry in the cottages. We have a nice house, but we are only tenants … and I ride a scooter. "Fortunately, the producer was able to count on the unwavering support of his companion. " I owe my rebirth to Aurore. She gave me shelter, support, encouragement, patience and a lot of love. "The interested laughs:" This is the story of my life, that! Whenever I meet a man, he is at the end of the roll, he just lost everything and I must first repair it! "

Divorced three times – from the mother of Julien and Simon , Valérie Sapienza, in 2001, then, five years later, Flavie Flament, and finally, two years ago, Vanessa Broussouloux -, Benjamin still chose to say "yes" to Aurore Aleman in August 2016, at the Mas de la Rose, in Eygalières. " One day, she said," Bride me! "And I did not hesitate. Because until then, Aurore had always refused to marry anyone and I was honored that she asked me, me. And especially because, I am sure and certain, it is the good one! "Benjamin and Aurore had crossed in 2007 on the sets of tele – actress, she worked for a long time at Endemol before mounting her casting agency of actors last year. They found themselves in 2015 to never quit. Both came out of a rather exclusive relationship, wanted as "preserved" children. " It was a youthful mistake to think that I could relive a love affair without having my children in hock ," says Benjamin. I was away from them and it made me unhappy. The beautiful quadra adds: " Me, I have a Sicilian grandmother and three sisters of whom I am very close … The family is sacred! At the beginning of our relationship, I immediately expressed my desire to form a family, with his children and mine. I wanted us all to live together and that "match" as quickly as possible. With a smile, Benjamin lets go: " We succeeded. All this souk is thanks to you, my love … »

Photo Credits: © ️Benjamin Decoin

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