Fair play and football fan, the Croatian president made a sensation


At the head of the country for three years, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has widely displayed his love for his team during the World Cup. And for good reason…

She was of all the matches of the Croatian selection. Sometimes with the checkered scarf around the neck – the symbol of the country – often with the Vatreni jersey, the "Flamboyants" of the name of the Croatian team.

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Since the beginning of the World Cup, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, the president of this European country of just over 4 million inhabitants, unreservedly displays his support to his team who wants to see him. To the point that some media described her as the "first supporter of the country".

A love of ostensible football

At the age of 50, the one who has been running the country for three years under the colors of the Croatian Democratic Union, a conservative center-right Catholic party is sparing no effort to keep this title. In default of the World Cup, won Sunday by the Blues.

In addition to the jersey proudly sported, she quickly announced during the competition that she would take "leave without pay" to go to Russia, sometimes traveling on commercial lines among the supporters delighted to share this moment on the networks social, and even attend some matches in the stands, far from the grandstand of officials, paying his place.

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Sunday, one of the 40 most powerful women in the world according to a ranking established by the magazine Forbes continued his communication operation. She particularly comforted all Croatian players, one by one, and greeted all French players in the pouring rain, causing a sensation on social networks.

After congratulating the coach Zlatko Dalic in the Croatian locker room, she also showed up with Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin in this French one. Where, very fair play, she shouted "Vive la France", definitely winning the hearts of French spectators.

Behind this enthusiasm and fervor during the World Cup, hides a much more political reality as Le Monde points out in an article published on July 13th. "Since the independence of Croatia, on June 25, 1991, football has always been used to bring the national narrative, and to radiate abroad this small state," says the evening newspaper.

Dire Relationships

In addition, the links between politics and football have always been very, very close. And for The World the result is without appeal: "The national federation of Croatian football has become, over the years, a mafia network, controlled by relatives of the HDZ [le parti de Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic]: it is thus the European federation having suffered the most condemnations and sanctions from the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) ".

The Croatian president has not freed herself from these links. During the Croatia – Russia match, she was accompanied by Danir Vrbanovic, the Federation 's managing director, sentenced in early June to three years in prison in a fraud case. The man appealed this decision explains Franceinfo.fr. In this case, the playmaker Luka Modric, suspected of false testimony, even risk the prison explains Le Point . The fervor tinged with turmoil, the two faces of Croatia.

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