Federal budget: Sunday dedicated to bilateral meetings


The resumption of the works in a select committee has not yet been announced

L e Prime Minister, Charles Michel, leads on Sunday bilateral talks with key ministers of his government to advance budget discussions and several outstanding issues. The resumption of committee work has not yet been announced

The federal government must find 2.6 billion euros to keep the budget in the path agreed with Europe. It is also trying to conclude some files, some of which may be related to budgetary efforts, including the "deal for employment" which aims to address the problem of trades in shortage, it was noted at good source.

However, some reforms divide the majority partners, notably the accelerated degressivity of unemployment benefits, to which the CD & V is reluctant and which is for the moment discarded, or a revision of the rules of unemployment with complementary enterprise (RCC, successor of the pre-pensions).

F-16, 4th mobile operator, Belfius …

On the government's table are other thorny issues: the replacement of the F-16s which has somewhat heated relations between Belgium and France in recent days, the arrival of a 4th mobile operator dear to the Open Vld or the privatization of Belfius to which is linked the indemnification of cooperators of Arco wanted by the CD & V.

Saturday, it was also indicated that certain problems were posed on the side of Finance. The advance payments to corporate tax have increased considerably, but the question arises as to what is the structural part of this increase. Part of it is due to the increase of the penalties in the case of insufficient payments and will therefore result in less income later.

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