firefighters present in number on the spot


By Y.B. and F.H.

An explosion has shaken the village of Sart, this Sunday Avenue Jean Gouders. A house was blown.

Firefighters were warned shortly before 3:30 pm that a building had been blown up by an explosion, Avenue Jean Gouders, between Tiège and Sart (Jalhay). The rescue zone Vesdre Hoëgne Plateau immediately sent many men on the spot.

At first, it was not known if people were inside this single-family house, of which there was only rubble left. It was feared that there was a victim. However, it would not be the owner of the house however: it was visiting his daughter at the time of the explosion, according to information collected on site.

The helicopter Bra-sur-Lienne has landed nearby and an ambulance was on site, according to Rescue Zone 4, where it was stated that it was still unknown whether people were under the rubble.

The regional road linking Tiège to Sart was cut off. [19659008] if (typeof (cookie_consent_social) === 'undefined' || checkCookieConsent ('social')) {
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