Football for the restart at Quévy-Mons



Luigi Nasca must first get to know his band

Making contact on Monday for Luigi Nasca and the new Quévy-Mons with the Tondreau stadium. The Montois have ambition and these first weeks of work will be preponderant for the continuation of the operations.

"It was planned the preparation on six weeks to be ready on August 26 with the resumption of the championship entrusts the T1 montois. That's how I usually work, because I do not know the band I am good at, I chose three friendlies against top division teams first three weeks to gauge the boys, there will be the Olympic, Châtelet and Walhain with the match Cup against Péruwelz between the first two. "

The VMA tests were made before the departure on vacation and each element has received an individualized program

"And if they have followed it correctly, they will have more ease for the work that awaits them in the coming weeks.I will have a more precise idea already this Monday evening. uisque for the recovery, we only play football. As for a house, the important thing is the foundations. So we will work tactics at the defensive level during the first two weeks, before moving to the animation. "

De Amicis, Bastaens and company have appointments every day of the week except Thursday and Sunday, they will inevitably suffer, but as many already see them as the big favorites of the series, nothing will be left to chance not to disappoint at the end of the next exercise.

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