France / Case Benalla: Macron still silent, the pressure is rising


Since the beginning of the Benalla affair, the most serious political crisis he has been going through since his election in May 2017, French President Emmanuel Macron has remained silent, but calls are multiplying to explain himself. 19659002] The crisis is born of the disclosure Wednesday of videos showing a close to the head of state, Alexandre Benalla, beating protesters during Labor Day, wearing police badges, while it was only simple Observer with the police

The Elysee Palace gave no indication of a possible speech by the president who was scheduled to spend the weekend working in Paris or at La Lanterne, a state residence in Paris. Versailles, in the Paris region

For a source close to the executive, with the various investigations launched by the courts, the Parliament or the police of the police, "all the levers have been activated" and it is therefore not " not necessary "that the president expresses himself" in the immediate future "about his former collaborator, in custody for the violence on May 1.

But a source in the majority believes that" it would have been necessary to communicate quickly and clearly to try at least to to stop the case ", judging the silence at the top of the State all the more damaging as" TVs continuously loop with that ".

" The longer it is silent, the more it feeds the interrogations ", urged an opposition MP. "In crisis management, they checked all the boxes" for a failure, judged another.

The tenors on Saturday increased pressure on the head of state. For the president of the party Republicans (LR, right-wing opposition) Laurent Wauquiez, Alexandre Benalla "will account to the justice, but Emmanuel Macron, him, will have to answer to the French".

"Who knew when? Why was not justice seized? Why was the police used to smuggle the case? What secrets does Benalla have? he the keeper for being so protected? " wonders Laurent Wauqiez in the columns of the daily Le Figaro.

– "Watergate" –

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the insubordinate France (radical left), judged the case "of the level of Watergate "which led to the resignation of US President Richard Nixon, when the President of the National Rally (far right) Marine Le Pen warned that" if Macron is not explained, the case will become Macalla Macron case ".

"The President of the Republic will necessarily speak to the French on television," told the press Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (sovereignist), noting that the majority "do not know what to answer" because Mr. Macron " he acted alone "

Faced with what is already denounced by some as a" state scandal ", Gilles Le Gendre, spokesperson for the deputies LREM (presidential majority), accuses oppositions to" instrumentalize " the case because they "still have not digested the stinging defeat "in the polls a year ago, according to him.

"Nothing will be smothered," he said on the radio France Inter. The day before, Prime Minister Philippe badured that "all questions will find their answers", which will be "clear" and "transparent".

For the executive, it is in the immediately to prepare the hearings of the next few days, in the first place that of the Minister of the Interior Gerard Collomb before the Committee on the Laws of the Assembly on Monday.

For Mr. Mélenchon, "the Minister of the Interior is already disqualified "and" of course he will resign and he will not be the only one ". "No fuse will forget that everything has been flown since the Elysee," says Mr. Wauquiez.

Since coming to power, Emmanuel Macron has repeatedly shown that he did not like to react under pressure, especially media or partisan.

But he has also changed his communication in recent months, from a rare word to a much more frequent expression, especially during his travels.

During a visit Thursday in the Dordogne (Southwest), he refused to answer the many questions of journalists asking him to react to the revelations of the daily Le Monde.

"The Republic is unalterable!", he only let go in response to a journalist who asked him if the Republic was not "tainted" by this affair?

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