France: to be champions? "Nothing is impossible"


The Blues are in the semifinals of the World Cup-2018, so inevitably, the second star on the jersey, they think about it. "Nothing is impossible," admits defender Lucas Hernandez on Saturday.

But first, there is the shock on Tuesday against Belgium, a neighboring country where Raphael Varane, born in Lille and trained in Lens, has knowledge. But "on an opposition in the World Cup, there are no friends."

. To be champions? "Nothing is impossible"

At a match of the final on July 15 in Moscow, do they win in a corner of the head? "We do not say it but everyone thinks we can be world champion," says Hernandez frankly. "We still have two games left, first against Belgium, it's going to be very complicated, but in this life nothing is impossible."

"I hope," Varane bounced back. "It's up to us to do the right thing, but we believe in it, we'll give it all, do our best and we'll see if it smiles on us". Finally questioned about the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron for the semi-final in St. Petersburg, Varane said: "We are pleased that the president comes to see us, it represents the enthusiasm, the support that there is the share of all France ". "The fact that it moves shows the importance we have and it is flattering for us.It is so lucky to be able to give emotion to millions of French," said the one who won his fourth Champions League with Real just before the World Cup

. Belgium, "very big selection"

Future opponent of France after his surprise victory against Brazil (2-1), Belgium "is a very big selection, with very great individualities", observed Hernandez. "We will have to be very attentive defensively, but we know what we have to do."

"We know our strengths and we will try to play them by being very focused to beat them. easy, but for them it will not be easy either, "he said, while his defense partner, Varane, stressed that it was a" young but mature team ". "

" They are able to play in small combined pbades, in repetitions, with a lot of movements, with fast attacks … It's a pretty complete, solid team ", badyzed the Real Madrid defender and first goalscorer of the Blues against Uruguay in quarter (2-0). Formed in Lens, this native of North America has "friends who come from Belgium", but "on an opposition in World Cup, there are no friends."

. Lukaku and Hazard, threats N.1

Attention to Romelu Lukaku … "It is a player who poses problem with any defense, very powerful, which weighs on the defense, it will be necessary to leave him the least d "space possible", still dissects Varane.

As for the way to master Eden Hazard, Hernandez has a little skull remembering that "we eliminated the best player in the world in eighths", Lionel Messi. "He did not touch the ball," he plastered, despite the two badists of the "Pulga", eliminated 4-3 in the 8th finals. Before insisting, in front of the laughter of the audience: "It's the truth! We have the right players and we will try to make sure that (Eden Hazard) touches the balloon as little as possible."

"There is no miracle solution", Varane abounds, "we must leave him as little space as possible, try to cut the connection" between him and his partners, a "work to be done together" .

. Lloris, Kanté, the strong men

The two men also returned to the match against Celeste, including the decisive parade of Hugo Lloris to preserve the advantage of the Blues. "An incredible stop, of the big Hugo", greets Varane. "When I see the ball pbad, I think it goes to the bottom and he has this relaxation that saves us before throwing himself into Godin's feet … It's great to be able to count on a goalkeeper of this level, a great guy and a great goalkeeper. "

And when Hernandez was asked if he had ever played with someone as strong as N'Golo Kanté, Hernandez replied," Sincerely, I do not think It's one of the best circles in the world. " "The work he does for the team is incredible, all the balloons he gets is incredible and I hope he will be as incredible as he has been so far" against Belgium

Asked about Samuel Umtiti, who was knee to Uruguay, Varane confirmed that the Barcelona "was a little bad yesterday (Friday) after the game but it's something he knows how to handle. He knows the care he has to do, I do not worry too much. "

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