fraud in sharp decline in France, except for checks


The means of payment are more and more reliable in France. Fraud has dropped by 7% in 2017. But checks remain victims of many scams.

If you use a credit card, or if you prefer the levy or transfer for your transactions, you significantly reduce the risk of being victim of fraud. According to the Banque de France's annual observatory, fraud has dropped by 54 million euros in 2017, despite a steady rise in the number of currency exchanges.

An improvement in the situation thanks to a growing awareness of all economic actors: public authorities, traders, professionals, consumer badociations. "We see a drop in the fraud rate in payments on the Internet, thanks to SMS identification.On levies and transfers, they are the safest means of payment of all" welcomes François Villeroy de Galhau, Governor of the Banque de France. The fraud rate on transfers is tiny: 0.0003%. And for bank cards, fraud has never been so low over the last ten years.

The Banque de France notes greater risks abroad, but fraud is also declining. " And in France, we look in particular at remote payments, which are also riskier than payments at merchants but with real progress in security" says François Villeroy de Galhau.

A major black spot persists: the stolen or falsified checks fraud jumped by 9% in 2017, with nearly 300 million euros diverted. So much so that checks are considered "a haven for fraudulent" . " There are average amounts of several thousand euros but there may have been more important frauds.The French remain attached to the possibility of paying by check and this will remain" s the governor of the Banque de France is worried. He argues for the acceleration of the establishment of other means of payment to avoid this fraud.

It is necessary to develop more and more alternative means including the instant transfer between individuals that banks are developing [19659011] François Villeroy de Galhau franceinfo

Among the new tracks, there are applications that can pay with your smartphone or transfers via voice badistants. It is still too early to measure the risk of fraud

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