Free VPNs are infested with malware


BitDefender, the developer of antivirus software has conducted a large study on free VPN services. The result is clear: about 38% of them broadcast malware and other spyware.

There are many reasons to use the services of a VPN between the preservation of anonymity and securing the transferred data. Since the revelation of large-scale computer eavesdropping by intelligence services around the world, many Internet users have turned to VPN for the reasons mentioned above. Ironically, bypbading government oversight, VPN users throw themselves into the mouth of another wolf.

According to the report of the survey conducted by BitDefender, more than a third of free VPNs circulate freely malware. Among the services cited by the firm specializing in computer security: S5 Mark. This VPN installed a rootkit without the knowledge of its users. The malware Zacinlo, which has been in business for 6 years, specializes in advertising fraud. To his credit: opening windows in the background, screenshots that may contain confidential data, disabling antivirus, etc. Able to install other software to extend its influence or to make copies of itself in the system, Zacinlo is an extremely harmful malware and difficult to eliminate.

BitDefender conducted its study on 280 services of Free VPNs, whose business model is ultimately to sell the personal data of its users in most cases: " When it's free, you're the product ".

So does it mean that it will definitely turn away from free VPNs? Not necessarily. There are many reliable and certified free VPN services. It's easy to learn about their nature in a few clicks. If you are not afraid to get your hands on the wallets, pay VPN services are not to be feared, the first prices start from 3 or 4 euros per month. As a secure service provider, BitDefender has, of course, put forward its own paid VPN service.

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