French commander says terrorists are no longer able to conduct large-scale operations



"Terrorists are no longer able to conduct large-scale operations", said Monday in Ouagadougou the commander of the French military operation Barkhane, General Bruno Guibert, ensuring that the operation will be maintained until "eradication" of the terrorist threat .

"The threat (terrorist) has not disappeared, but the enemy, the terrorists, are no longer able to conduct coordinated operations, operations of magnitude", said General Guibert to the from an audience with the president of Burkina Faso Roch Marc Christian Kaboré

At the head of Barkhane since July 2017, Major General Bruno Guibert was accompanied by Major General Frédéric Blachon, to whom he will transmit the command of operation in the end of the week

"In one year of operation, we have achieved significant results on terrorist groups.There is no longer a real sanctuary where terrorists can protect themselves", he explained, looking forward to a "positive badessment."

"It is an operation that will continue the necessary time until the terrorist threat is contained and if possible eradicated with the support of the joint G5 Sahel force and the national armies are involved ". "Barkane will remain the necessary time until this mission is completed and fulfilled."

The French operation Barkhane, set up in 2013, is extended to the five Sahel countries (Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso), a vast area like Europe

Barkhane, named after a dune in the form of a crescent under the influence of the wind, is currently the most important external operation of the army French, with approximately 4,500 soldiers deployed.

On 1 July, Barkhane's soldiers were attacked in Gao (north), which left four dead and 20 wounded among civilians and four wounded. among the soldiers.

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