From the presidential box to the locker room, the unrestrained final of Emmanuel Macron


Sunday in Moscow, Emmanuel Macron became the second president of the Republic to know a world title of the French football team, after Jacques Chirac in 1998. There is no secret of his pbadion for football, formidable communication tool, and had already attended the semifinal against Belgium early last week.

"A competition is successful when it is won," had warned Emmanuel Macron before the World Cup. "I only asked them one thing by going to Clairefontaine, it was the second star," he told RMC.

"I am very happy for France"

"I I am very happy for France, very proud, and I am very proud of them and the Croatian team who made a very good match, "he continued after exulting in the presidential box. Brigitte Macron and Sports Minister Laura Flessel also went out of their dance to the victory of the Blues.

The emir of Qatar has also given way to the wife of the French president, says The Huffington Post. Sitting in the front row as organizer of the next World Cup, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani has left his place to Brigitte Macron, placed in the last row, so that the spouses can follow the match side by side. At the UN last September, the first lady refused to sit behind her husband and preferred to settle in the French delegation.

It must be said that the Croatian president, who attended the match alongside the French head of state and his wife, did not shun the final despite the defeat of his team. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, dressed in the Croatian national jersey, hugged Emmanuel Macron at the final whistle and went to congratulate the Blues on the field, while comforting his family on the way

 French President Emmanuel Macron congratulates France coach Didier Deschamps (L) for winning the 2018 World Cup Final football match between France and Croatia at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow on July 15, 2018.
Franck Fife – AFP
                                                    – French President Emmanuel Macron congratulates coach Bleus Didier Deschamps on 15 July 2018 in Moscow.

The Blues congratulated by the presidents

Accompanied by Vladimir Putin, the two heads of state welcomed the players of both teams in the pouring rain. More than simple handshakes, these are real hugs that took place between the Blues, their coach and Emmanuel Macron, just after the medal ceremony.

Kirill Kudryavtsev – AFP
                                                    – Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron and Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović congratulate the Blues on July 15, 2018 in Moscow.

After the scenes of cheering on the field, congratulated all players and embraced the Cup, the French president went to the locker room of the Blues, always accompanied by the Croatian head of state. In a video filmed by Benjamin Mendy, we can notably see Emmanuel Macron doing a dab with the defender and Paul Pogba.




The latter filmed part of the party in the locker room on Instagram, including the President's speech paying tribute to a Warrant Officer who was seriously wounded in Mali, a fervent admirer of Didier Deschamps.

"I made his In June, we only see one thing, it's his smile, as you see tonight … (…) I saw him again on July 13, he was on a wheelchair. said that the person he admired most was Didier Deschamps, it hurt me a little at first, and he said 'I have a favor to ask you: the day after tomorrow when you will see the players, tell them that they have dreamed of a little Frenchman like me. "That's why I wanted to take it to you, so that you realize what you are doing," said Emmanuel Macron.

Screenshot of a live Instagram by Paul Pogba, uploaded by Le Parisien
                                                    – Emmanuel Macron and a chief warrant officer seriously wounded in Mali.

At the end of the live performance of Paul Pogba one can even briefly see the former French president Nicolas Sarkozy.

The party should continue Monday night with the return of the Blues in France. They will be received by the head of state around 18:30 at the Elysee, after having descended the Champs-Elysees on their return from Moscow.

Emmanuel Macron invited a thousand young people for the reception that will follow in the gardens of the presidential palace. Some come from clubs from which players from the France team come from.


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