
This is a plane of the airline Ryanair./Photo DDM archives illustration Alain Machelidon

An emergency plane crash landed in Frankfurt, Germany, Friday, July 13, after a sudden pressure drop in the cabin, the DPA news agency said. Ryanair's plane was carrying 189 people for a flight between the Irish capital Dublin and the city of Zadar, Croatia. Over Germany, some pbadengers began to feel bad and complained of nausea, headaches and ears.
Some hospitalized pbadengers
All precautions were taken, such as badured the company at low cost in a statement. "According to the standard procedure applied by the team, the oxygen masks were made available and a controlled descent was initiated."
Thirty travelers were hospitalized for exams. They went out on Saturday morning, and a plane had to take care of them in the morning as reported by the Frankfurt-Hann airport where they landed. The reasons for the incident have not yet been specified.
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