Grammatical suggestion helped by artificial intelligence is now available on Google Docs. At least if you're a G Suite customer, the business formula.
If you are a G Suite customer and you are part of the Early Adopter program, you will be able to benefit from these grammatical suggestions within Google Docs. As long as you write in English. According to the company, the tool " helps people to write more clearly and efficiently." Our artificial intelligence can pinpoint different types of corrections, ranging from simple grammatical rules such as the use of articles in sentences to grammatical concepts. more complex like the correct use of subordinate clauses. "
And who says artificial intelligence says machine learning, automated learning, which means that corrections will improve at over time. The more the tool is used, the more the AI can improve and correct more and more complex errors. " Our approach to grammatical correction is based on computer-generated translations, for example, the translation into English of a text written in French, and our technology verifies the English translation and corrects it grammatically "explains David Thacker, Vice President of G Suite. Google also announced the arrival of Smart Reply and Smart Compose (which predicts your answers), already present in Gmail, in the Hangouts chat.
If the test is conclusive, these novelties could land in the public version of Google Docs. And in other languages than English.
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