Google Play Store will ban mining apps from cryptocurrency


Stricter rules like on the App Store

Google cleans its Play Store of certain applications related to cryptocurrency mining. And hardens the rules for those who want to integrate its platform.

 cryptocurrency smartphone (credit: iStock / hocus-focus)

After Apple, it's Google's turn to ban all applications that could undermine cryptocurrency on your smartphone. By updating the general conditions of use of the Play Store, Google has added the category "cryptocurrencies". In the Regulatory Information Center for Developers, it says: " We do not allow applications that validate cryptocurrency transactions on devices, but we allow those that remotely manage this validation process. . "

Clearly, it means that it is possible to host a cryptocurrency wallet from a Play Store app. On the other hand, any application wishing to use any part of the phone to mine, will be banned. It will still still be possible to manage a remote money mining server, from the moment the phone does not provide intensive efforts. The solutions of cloud mining are therefore not included in prohibited applications, such as MinerGate. The conditions are similar to those that Apple had imposed a few weeks ago to its developers.

The great cleaning of the Play Store

It is not a war against cryptocurrency that lead Google and Apple by prohibiting this kind of content. The goal is especially to avoid the excessive use of the processor at the risk of damaging it. This goes hand in hand with the battery which could also deteriorate much more quickly, because the mining is very energy intensive. The second goal is to clean the Play Store of all applications that mimic others and take the opportunity to run a mining process in the background. The Play Store is regularly in the spotlight because a malicious app was discovered.

But in recent months, Google is doing the big cleaning. This was an opportunity for the Internet giant to ban apps that promoted firearms, or even explained the badembly. Finally, Google has sorted in so-called "child" applications, but in reality has violent or sensitive content.


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