Google record fine: France could recover 650 million euros


After several years of investigation, the EU on Wednesday imposed a fine of 4.34 billion euros on Google for abusing the dominant position of Android, to establish the hegemony of his online search service.

The European Commission has also summoned the American company "to put an end to its illegal practices within 90 days, on pain of being penalized by up to 5% of the world's average daily turnover. Alphabet ", the parent company of Google. The group has appealed this decision and imagines a modification of the Android model.

This fine, as well as that of 2.4 billion announced in June for practices in Shopping are the two heaviest sanctions ever inflicted by Brussels on a private enterprise.

But where does the money go? Not to the Commission, reminds a spokesman to our confrères du Parisien. The rule is that the competition fines should be paid back to the Member States in proportion to their contribution to the European budget.

So, if Google actually pays this mega-fine (recall that he has appealed), each state of the Union will receive its share. Given that France contributes 15% of the European budget, the state could recover the tidy sum of 651 million euros. Enough to rage Donald Trump

"These fines do not enrich the European budget, they go to European citizens.We do not want to be accused of imposing fines to fill a budget insufficient. decisions of the European Commission, "said the spokesperson.

Remains that by appealing, the sum claimed is blocked until all the appeals are exhausted. And it may take several years. Lastly, the plaintiffs will receive nothing from this fine, but they will be able to sue in their Google names in order to obtain damages based on the Brussels decision.

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