Government clears two pilot projects expanding PNR


The federal government has given the go-ahead for the launch of two pilot projects on the collection and processing of pbadenger information. The first concerns international trains and will be implemented in collaboration with Eurostar and the UK authorities. The second relates to international coaches and will be conducted in conjunction with Flixbus, said Interior Minister Jan Jambon on La Première Wednesday morning.

The Pbadenger Name Record (PNR) system already applies to international flights, but the government intends to extend it to buses and high-speed trains with international Two royal decrees were approved in this sense.

" It makes no sense to execute these measurements on airplanes and to leave access to buses and international trains completely open ", argued Jan Jambon

A European Directive

These measures are part of the European PNR Directive, which requires airlines to transmit pbadenger data to the security services. With regard to trains, buses and boats, Europe lets states decide how to proceed.

According to Jan Jambon's cabinet, Belgium is the first Member State to extend the system to trains and international coaches. " The pilot projects should allow us to organize this at best, in collaboration with the travel operators, before deploying it widely. "

" In this way, the security services get the name of the pbadengers in advance In the fight against terrorism and crime, it is important to know who is on board We want to prevent terrorists and criminals from traveling across Europe without the authorities

New intelligence service

The pbadenger lists are transmitted to the Pbadenger Information Unit, a new service within the SPF Interior in which the Federal Police, State Security, Military Intelligence and Customs collaborate. This is where pbadenger information is compared with the security databases. " The aim is not only to make information, but also to know the movements of certain criminals. "

This Tuesday, the weekly Knack revealed that the PNR directive contained an exception for private jets. States have the option to include or not these flights in the application of the system. Cabinet Jambon stresses that regulations affect all flights in Belgium, including private flights.

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