GTA 5: Gay Tony tease his return on video


Rockstar has planned a new DLC free for the month of July and it will introduce the nightclubs.

The nightlife of Los Santos will undergo profound upheavals. Thanks to the efforts of a famous impresario who has good relations and a little money, the underground night scene of the city will be unleashed in July.

International artists have announced that they will soon be performing in Los Santos and their fans will soon be invading the city's nightclubs and warehouses just to dance to Solomun's new hits, Tale Of Us, Dixon and The Black Madonna until the end of the night.

 gta5 gaytony back

Nightclubs are the perfect cover for your other business, so open an establishment with the help of your new partner and help DJs hone their skills. Manage your nightclub, from its preparation to its style, through its staff and promotion; the more popular it is, the faster your safe will fill up. Management is an honest job and a simple way to launder the proceeds of criminal cases that you lead through Disruption Logistics, The Open Road, SecuroServ and Free Trade Shipping.

[MAJ] In this new DLC, you will find the famous character Tony Gay, his real name Anthony Prince that we had already met in the episode GTA 4. It will be necessary to badociate with Gay Tony to open and manage a place of night top of range.

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