Radiated from the municipality of Molenbeek, the former member of the sp.a Hbadan Rahali decided to launch his own political movement for the October elections in Molenbeek. His list will be bilingual and will be called "acting citizens together."
Hbadan Rahali was expelled in September 2017 from the municipality of Molenbeek after several police reports mentioning a false domiciliation about him. But he had been able to remain councilor after a recourse to the jurisdictional college in order to keep his right of eligibility to continue to sit on the communal council. In the spring, Hbadan Rahali decided to sit as an independent communal councilor and thus leave the sp.a, the Flemish socialist party, following differences of opinion.
Today, Hbadan Rahali announces that he will be a candidate in the elections on the list of his own political movement Act. he has just launched and of which he is the president and founder.
"After 30 years in the badociative life, 20 years of political activism and 6 years of political mandates as a communal councilor in opposition, there is an observation that comes out. The difficulty of traditional political parties to manage the daily lives of citizens. This forces a new blood for a new action: a Citizen Movement that wants to be the open bilingual movement, acting citizens together, of renewal and change, together with the participation of citizens, "he says in his statement. [19659006] if (typeof (cookie_consent_social) === 'undefined' || checkCookieConsent ('social')) {
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