"Hat at Van Avermaet, he did a real ride"


Most Tour favorites neutralized themselves in the first mountain stage, won by Julian Alaphilippe (Quick Step). To attend the big explanation, it will be necessary to wait.

" It would have been nice to take the yellow jersey, since we control the race anyway … But hat to Van Avermaet, it made a real ride, it deserves to have this jersey one more day ", greeted Geraint Thomas (Sky), 2nd overall at 2'22 from Golden Greg . "The next step is going to be full throttle in the first climb, it may be that a lot of riders in the overall standings are trying to get into the breakaway, it will be hard to control, I'm sure there will be a lot going on. "

" Physically, it is still a bit strange after a step of cobblestones and a day of rest ", explained Nairo Quintana (Movistar ), 18th of the stage . "We have already had some victims today (Uran, Zakarin, Jungels or Majka have lost time, ed.) We are well, the key stage will be that of Thursday, anything can happen." "[19659002" It was necessary to see how the body would react after the last two days ," added his teammate Mikel Landa (Movistar) . "Fortunately, I'm fine, Sky has set a very fast pace and no one has risked trying." Tomorrow (Wednesday), the stage is short, it's more favorable for us. "

The weather also did not encourage the riders to attack. " The wind was blowing from the front (in La Colombière), it was almost impossible to try something ," Jakob Fuglsang (Astana), now 4th of General . "It was only the first mountain stage, nobody knew how it would be after the rest day, I'm pretty happy, I probably need an easier day before I hit the hardest. "

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