he threatens to shoot at Devil's fans who honk


By Allison Mazzoccato

It may seem surprising, but not everyone has celebrated the victory of the Red Devils until the end of the night! In Verviers, a man called several times the police because, exceeded by the blows of horn, he wanted the police to interrupt the party. Seeing that his calls had no effect, he threatened to shoot the supporters with a weapon …

A man, aged sixty years and domiciled boulevard des Gérardchamps, Verviers, was deferred on Saturday morning at the parquet floor of Liège. Friday, after the victory of the Red Devils against Brazil, honking was heard everywhere in Belgium. And Verviers did not depart from the rule. Behavior that has quite irritated the riverfront, who has contacted the police several times to stop the party. Given the police's lack of reaction – logical in such circumstances – he threatened to shoot at the crowd.

A threat in the air? Maybe … except that the fellow is given information as a long-range weapon holder. The police quickly went to the appellant's house, who entrenched himself and displayed what looked like a firearm through the window.

Finally, it was actually a broomstick . The madman returned to better feelings and let the police go home. While conducting a search, the patrol found a knife with a detent, a prohibited weapon. No trace of the firearm on the other hand, which the man explains having made about 10 years ago.

Unknown justice, he will go to explain soon in the court correctional within the framework of a expedited procedure for threat by gesture and carrying prohibited weapon

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