He wants to put his 92-year-old mother in a retirement home, she kills him


Rubalize of the American police. – Mark Makela / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP

Ana Mae Blessing did not want to go to a retirement home. To the point of slaughter this Monday his son, who wanted to place in a specialized institute for the elderly.

This 92-year-old American would have entered the room of his son, aged 72, armed with two pistols hidden in his dressing gown. She would have fired twice before threatening her partner, reports CBS News.

"You took my life, so I take yours"

The 67-year-old daughter-in-law finally managed to seize the first revolver. The nonagenarian then brandished a second revolver, but the companion has once again managed to disarm before calling the emergency. The old lady had apparently intended to commit suicide once her crime had been completed, but she "did not have an extra firearm."

Upon the arrival of the investigators, the suspect told them that she possessed these weapons since the 1970s and that she should be "asleep" for her act. Led by the agents, she would have said: "You took my life, so I take yours."

It was not the first time that the tone rose between the victim and his mother: the police were in effect already taken for a violent dispute between them. Ana Mae Blessing was detained for "
first degree murder, armed badault and kidnapping. "

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