Here is the new attraction of the Foire du Midi


The fair of the Midi resumes its quarters between the door of Anderlecht and the Porte de Hal from Saturday, July 14 to Sunday, August 19. With a brand new attraction that rises 60 meters high, "Top of the Worlds." "It's a big tower that goes high with pods, it turns, there will be sensation, it's fabulous, beautiful, it will come to try it" ensures Patrick De Corte, president of the fairgrounds Brussels.

The godfather of the Foire du Midi, this year, is Mourade Zeguendi, actor from Brussels, whom we have seen in Les Barons or Dikkenek. "It is an honor that he accepted, with a good heart, he is a Brussels man, a Ket from Brussels, who came to the Foire du Midi all the time, when he was a kid" the president of the fairgrounds

"I go there the first day, the 14th at the inauguration and I will come from time to time, but I do not need to be the godfather for I meet in Brussels, I am Brussels, I can meet on the metro, the fair, the FGTB, the union, the ORBEM … " joking Mourade Zeguendi. "I am a real Brusseleir, I belong to the furniture" he says.

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