Here's why Meghan Markle did not wear her hat at Wimbledon



But why did not Meghan Markle wear the hat she was holding when she was at Wimbledon to support her friend Serena Williams, qualified for the women's final?

The answer is very simple: she was not allowed.

 Unlike 2016, when Meghan had made an appearance at Wimbledon, the Duchess of Susbad was invited this year to watch the match from the Royal Box with her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton. And the rules of the tournament stipulate that it is forbidden to wear a headgear when you are in this VIP area because it could obstruct the view of people sitting in the back.

People invited to settle in the Royal Box must also respect a dress code.
"Dress, suits / jacket and tie, etc. Women are asked not to wear hats, as they tend to obscure the vision of those sitting behind them." Here is the protocol to respect that is stipulated on the
official page of the London tournament.

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