It attracted 203,852 visitors, a decrease of 3.9% compared to last year.
The 84th Agricultural Fair of Libramont was not spared by the heat wave. The high temperatures, especially the first day, had an impact on the attendance and work of the emergency services. In four days, 203,852 visitors were welcomed, a decrease of 3.9% compared to 2017. "On Friday, visitors were less numerous than usual. "Says Jean-François Piérard, the president of the fair. "Families with young children stayed at home. This heat caused some discomfort in the audience. Two people were taken to hospital due to sunstroke. They stayed there for a few hours and then returned home. The president of the Fair said, moreover, that some withdrawals of breeders were noted, especially those who had to travel a long distance in a truck with their animals.
As for the choice of the theme "Who will feed our cities tomorrow? He was, according to Jean-François Piérard, well understood and well echoed. "We are finding a bubble of optimism in the agricultural sector. In the alleys, we felt pride in being there in the ranks of the exhibitors. They are, overall, satisfied with the 2018 edition. "In 2019, the theme of the 85th Fair will be forest. "In odd years, the Fair extends two days in the forest, in the town of Bertrix. The theme will focus on the forest-wood sector. It will be presented in detail at the Breeders' Summit to be held in November. Meanwhile, as every four years, the organizing team proposes, this Tuesday in Bras-Haut, the day of the grbad. The forage harvesting equipment will be presented under the actual conditions of work.
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