HTC sells fewer and fewer smartphones and fires a quarter of its workforce



Sales for the month of June plunged 68%, the most severe drop in two years. During the last month, HTC has cashed the equivalent of $ 72 million, against 80 million in May … and 226 million in June 2017! Suffice to say that things are going from bad to worse, despite the launch in late May U12 +, a high-end smartphone that does not lack interest.

Disappointing sales

HTC sales in the top segment of range were lower than expected, reports badysts, and it is not much better in the entry and mid-range: the new models do not have much for them and they do not attract a customer who leans rather to Samsung's products, for example. The estimated production volume for this year should not exceed 2 million units in all.

A few days ago, the manufacturer announced a new restructuring plan: 1 500 layoffs at its plant in Taiwan, a quarter of its workforce. At this rate, there will not be many people left to continue developing and producing new products.

HTC "sold" the pixel design team to Google for $ 1.1 billion. It's all expertise and gray matter that no longer work for the company. Tomorrow, could HTC give up the activity Vive à Valve? The publisher of Steam is a close partner who helped develop the manufacturer's virtual reality offer.

For the moment, HTC explains that the clear cut in its workforce aims to bring its two activities, telephony and VR. Will the cash flow be sufficient to complete this project?

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