Hunt Showdown – New weapons with 2.1 update


At the rank of the Battle Royale of the moment, one asks Hunt Showdown . The Crytek studio game receives its update 2.1 which will bring some novelties in this respect to the rather agonizing atmosphere.

Crytek's FPS continues its merry way and thus receives a whole new update 2.1. First, it brings with it new weapons. This discretionary arsenal will allow you to shoot without making noise. Thus players will enjoy 7 unpublished weapons starting with three different crossbows. The first is with two hands, the second with one hand and the last one with poisoned tiles. Then, players can test their skill with throwing knives and try the Winfield M1873 and the Sparks LRR equipped with silencer. Finally, for the body-to-body, the developers add a battle ax. It will be possible to recover the knives and tiles at the points of impact. Note that new equipment will also be available. They will make it possible to launch knives more quickly and reload the crossbows faster.

An update and more

In addition to all these new toys, the update 2.1 of Hunt Showdown [19659006] adds a spectator mode . Once dead, it will now be possible to view the screen of his teammate. Crytek also implements a new meteorological condition namely fog. This element will reduce the visibility in play for more tension and chills. The update takes the opportunity to correct various bugs and optimizes a little more the title. All this is shown in the video that accompanies the announcement of the update. It is available now for all the owners of the game. Hunt Showdown is still in early access on Steam for about thirty euros.

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