Huy hospital equips emergency service with new vehicle


The Huy Regional Hospital Center (CHRH) presented its new emergency medical aid vehicle on Wednesday. The number of specialized vehicles of this type being particularly limited, this acquisition constitutes an event in the world of health. The purpose of this vehicle is to bring the health care team as quickly as possible to the scene, to mark and secure the site, or to practice emergency procedures.

Emergency Department of the Regional Hospital Center de Huy has a SUS (Specialized Emergency Care) function and a SMUR function (Mobile Emergency and Resuscitation Service). These two functions are linked to urgent medical badistance via the unified call centers 112 in Namur, Liège and Arlon. The emergency department plays an important role in the hospital. It welcomes and cares for 29,807 people in Huy or approximately 80 people per day. Nearly 55% of hospitalized patients go through emergencies.

The concept of SMUR is to bring a medical team including an emergency doctor, a critical care nurse and urgent medical aid, as well as a medical team. a patented EPAMU driver, with all the necessary equipment for the care of the patient. It is not an ambulance to transport the patient, but a vehicle to drive the health care team as quickly as possible. " The SMUR CHR Huy performs an average of 5 missions per 24 hours or 1,825 missions per year.It is approved 100, so it is an integral part of the chain of rescue.It can therefore have a role to play when a disaster plan where 3 SMUR and 5 ambulances are requisitioned ex officio.As far as there are only SMUR 10 (CHU, Citadelle, Huy CHR, Waremme, CHBAH, Esperance, Verviers, St Vith, Eupen, Bruyères) and a medical helicopter that cover the geographical area of ​​the province of Liège, the acquisition of a new vehicle is still an event in the world of public health ", said CHRH officials. [19659002] The cost of this acquisition amounts to 97,194 euros, of which 34,892 euros relate solely to the fitting out of specific equipment. The material is chosen so that it can cope with a maximum situation, as it is a first aid on the ground. In addition to the basic medical bag, this equipment includes a pediatric suitcase, childbirth, burns, respirator or shock pants. " The primary objectives are, first and foremost, to bring the health care team as quickly as possible to the scene, to take charge of the person and those around him, to practice emergency procedures and to take part in the identification of the physical and physiological needs of the human being at different stages of life ", concluded CHRH officials

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