"In the service of France" on Arte: we love these funny spies


Here they are again … With their corseted certainties in Gaullist France, their blunders, their ultra-administrative rituals and their famous "pots". After less than three years of absence, secret agents on the nickel-plated version of "Au service de la France" resume their service on Arte (at 8:55 pm) for a more truculent season 2.

The comedy in 12 episodes imagined by ex-Guignol and father of the OSS 117 Jean-François Halin shakes up the myths and the conveniences on grounds of homobaduality, liberation of the woman, crisis in Cuba, decolonization in Algeria and curtain of iron. [19659002Attheheartofthe1960sagentAndréMerlaux(HugoBecker)resurfacedfromthedeadtosharpenhisrevengeagainstthecolonelandformercollaboratorMercaillon(WilfriedBenaïche)AndthisisonlyasurpriseofthisirresistiblethoughtwherethetrioofJamesBond000-CalotMoulinierandJacquard-multipliesthemissionswhichleadtothejoke

Adventures in the long course

«The beginnings of season 1 were slow. There, we wanted to give more rhythm by creating conflicts, breaks in our characters, exploring their flaws to better serve the comedy ", says Jean-François Halin, creator and artistic director of the series.

In addition the agents go out further to embark on a mad epic of Moscow in Berlin or in an epic crossing of the desert. "We shot a month in Morocco to leave the claustrophobic side of the office," says the professional.

Women and homobaduals recognized

Not only Secretary Marie-Jeanne takes the lead but the wife of Colonel emancipates. "In these years pre-68, it was imagined that the revolution would also come from women. Our misogynous heroes, full of certainty about the world, will take this full fig! It was jubilant to draw a parallel between the emancipation of women and that of African countries.

Another taboo from those Gaullist years lifted, that of homobaduality through Moses, the chief of the service. "At the time, it was a reason for dismissal in the administration, notes the creator. Maurice Papon, then prefect of police in Paris, had led raids in gay bars.

Actor-Singers and Cult Winks

Some of the actors wet the shirt during a musical comedy scene. They sang in real life and a choreographer had them rehearsed.

A scene in the desert worthy of Tintin, another reminiscent of "Death on the trail", a parrot as in "The Samurai" and references to "OSS 117: Cairo, nest of spies ": Jean-François Halin multiplied the winks over the 12 episodes. A delight

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