Ingrid Chauvin worried: adoption bill is "stalled"


At age 44, actress Ingrid Chauvin wants to expand her family. To do this, she and her husband filed an application for adoption. Information that we were already reporting to you in March

But now, according to an interview with the weekly France Dimanche, it seems that this procedure is "stalled". And to continue by evoking his concern: "It's quite frustrating, and at the same time we are not the only ones waiting, but I see the deadline for our application for approval to arrive and we Let's move on in age, we can not do anything except keep hoping, our hearts are wide open, it will be another gift of life that will come, or not, we'll see. "

There are two years old, Ingrid Chauvin gave birth to little Tom, a child who filled her with happiness. Two years earlier, the actress lost Jade, her 5-month-old daughter with a heart malformation.

But Ingrid remains positive: " We are lucky to be parents. do not have it, so we do not have the right to complain. "

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