Instagram tests the possibility of deleting its own followers


No more trolls on public accounts!

A test phase allows some holders of a public account on the social network dedicated to photos and videos to remove themselves followers unwanted in any discretion.


 Page instagram features Wachiwit.jpg (credit: iStock / Wachiwit)

Public account holders on Instagram, the social network has thought of you to fight against trolls, without pushing you to opt for a private account. According to The Verge a solution to simply remove from the list of subscribers an unwanted person is actually under test. And this without the latter realizes it!

With this new possibility, Instagram wants to prevent its users from converting to the private profile that blocks the complete content of the person. This does not help his business because it allows less interaction on publications.

In fact, this function makes it possible not to let the unwanted person know that it has been blocked. A clever method that will avoid discussions in the office of the genre: "But why did you block me?" It will become rather: "I was sure to subscribe to your account." [19659007] According to The Verge this evolution does not yet concern the entirety of the public accounts. And no communication is currently planned on its possible formalization and generalization.

Small reminder, any account created on Instagram is by default public. The publications are then accessible to all. You have to go to the application settings to switch to private mode. When the account is private, only people approved by its user have access to their photos and videos.

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