Intimidation, fatigue, insults … Cable foding and fighting in the pack, instructions for use


Moscon got fired from the Tour after cracking – AFP (Montage WP)

Gianni Moscon may not know it, but he is very aptly named in France. After being suspended by
the Sky for racist insults against Kevin Réza last year, after supposedly causing the fall of Sebastien Reichenbach a handful of months later, the Italian was fired from
Tour de France 2018, Sunday evening, for having packed Elie Gesbert while the latter was interposed to let slip a breakaway that had just formed and where its leader, Warren Barguil, appeared. "Images we do not like to see for our sport", is sad
Adrien Petit (Direct Energie) from Belgium. Consultant for Eurosport, our reliable guy Steve Chainel allows himself to go further: "Frankly, he's a fool. Either he does not understand and someone has to explain to him, or he does it on purpose.

Tour de France: Moscon, a Froome teammate, ruled out for violence via @ 20minutesSport

– 20 Minutes Sports (@ 20minutesSport) July 22, 2018

Beast, wicked, recidivist, (Mos) con, but not pioneer in the matter: as scattered as they are ( one insists on this point, it does not does not happen every day ), bastons have always existed in the bike. In the recent history of the great towers, one can for example quote the most famous, between
Rui Costa and Carlos Barredo in 2013 on the Great Loop, or the exchange of rights between Gianlucca Brambilla and Ivan Rovny on the Vuelta, two years later. In the radius of anonymous, and still in 2015, we can also highlight the punch out of nowhere of Dmitriy Gruzdev on the Tour of Turkey. In short, it exists (especially since, and Chainel recalls, "cycling is a sport of contact"). The question is: how are we going to twist on pedals?

Fatigue, common denominator

Adrien Petit: "It happens most often on wearying races over several weeks like the Tour de France where we are on our nerves because of fatigue. There, it is more likely that the guys lose their cool.

Steve Chainel: "Fatigue can lead to a fight, when fatigue is present, it is enough that there are two, three pungent verbal exchanges for it to lead to a muddle. It's like a couple, when one of them is dead, it can go away quickly (laughs). Everyone has ego in the pack so it can happen.

The Trigger

Fatigue exposes runners to cable splitting but never provokes it directly. It will always be a trigger, a point of disagreement ("on a race tactic for example," illustrates Chainel) leading to the exchange of soft words and more rarely blows. Or an annoyance factor. "To get on my nerves, you really had to go. But what I liked the most was the small wave that puts you in the border, when there was a directional block in the middle of the road and you were not warned. We are not here to play our life. "Adrien Petit will say that the arrogant arrogant are his kryptonite. "There are always guys who feel all allowed because they have a jersey of a World Tour team. Sometimes it comes from young people who think that because they have this jersey, they can have all rights and be haughty with you. It's a little unpleasant, "he says.

The exception: the sprint, this institution

Tour de France 2017, 4th stage, final sprint. Mark Cavendish is about to overflow Peter Sagan on his right, at the end of the roadway. The Slovak feels overwhelmed and pushes the British elbow, which is sent against the barriers before falling heavily. The two men will leave the Great Loop, one expelled, the other injured, following what will be described as clbadic on the end of plain stages. In fact, sprinting is an institution within the pack and we feel in the speech of runners a greater tolerance to the balance of power when it comes to explanations between rockets or those whose mission is to place them in perfect position, the famous pilot fish. Probably because everything goes faster and it is more a question of reflexes than premeditated act.

#Rediff VIDEO. Tour de France 2017: Sagan fired Tour for his horrible nudge on Cavendish

– 20 Minutes (@ 20Minutes) July 5, 2017

Adrien Petit: "A guy who must regulate a breakaway in the pack, he is a painter [coucou Moscon]. On the other hand, a guy who knows that his sprinter must be ideally placed 200m from the finish line or a sprinter himself, is necessarily exposed to great stress and can come to play elbows. "There will always be a lot of friction in this case," adds Chainel. Today's sprint is yesterday's tank race. Of the breakage but also a conscience of caste. We hurt ourselves but we shake hands in the end. One only has to see the clbad exchanges between Sagan and Cavendish after the unfortunate episode of last year to notice it. "It was pretty good," says the consultant. The whole thing is to understand the error and not to reproduce it. Is not it, Gianni?

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