iPhone Recovered With 'Locate My iPhone' Function After Surviving 1,000 Feet Without Scratches


 iPhone Recovered With 'Find My iPhone' Feature After Surviving 1,000-Foot Fall Without Scratches

A fun ride aboard a vintage biplane turned to what might have been a disappointment at first, when the one of the pbadengers dropped his phone, which fell 1,000 feet to the ground, supposedly never to be seen again, and most likely damaged due to the height from which he fell. However, the woman would have been able to find the device with her feature unit locating My iPhone, without a single scratch and still working as usual.

According to a report from Iowa, a subsidiary of NBC QUI-TV Sarvinder Naberhaus and Donna Johnson, who had both known each other since high school, went to the Ames Airport earlier this month to participate in the American Barnstormers 2018 tour. As both women were on the biplane, Naberhaus took her iPhone to take pictures, only for her to lose the camera as a loud wind was blowing while she was holding the phone outside the camera. windshield

Although apparently one loses his iPhone in an improbable way that could prove to be "tragic", pilot Rob "Waldo" Lock recalled that Naberhaus laughed about the apparent loss of his phone, as she had "a good time" on the flight. Again, the Ames test, Iowa Natal still hoped she would be able to find her iPhone, especially since she and Johnson had to be flown on a flight to Dallas the next day.

Speaking of QUI-TV Johnson expressed surprise that his iPhone friend was still working, despite the fall, referring to him as a "phone miracle" who could still work even he gets dropped at a height 1000 feet. Similarly, Naberhaus added that the incident was evidence that "God has a great sense of humor."

According to Apple Insider Sarvinder Naberhaus's story is the latest example of a iPhone survive extreme conditions. In England, an iPhone 7 survived despite spending on two days submerged in about 30 meters underwater, although the same publication noted in a report earlier this week, the device was protected by a waterproof case . Such cases have been reported as early as 2011, according to Cult of Mac as the US Air Force Combat Controller Ron Walker baderted that the year he used the app locate My iPhone to locate the iPhone 4, it accidentally falls off as you prepare for a 1,000-foot static line break, with no scratches and no other signs of damage.

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