Is Instagram's video call different from FaceTime or WhatsApp?


Instagram unveiled a brand new feature on its blog last week that will allow you to call your friends while scrolling the newsfeed at the same time.

The video call seems to be the big news this year in the social media world as Instagram follows in the footsteps of Snapchat, which unveiled its own video call feature in April and Facebook that confirmed that WhatsApp would also be offering group video calls later this year. [19659003Thisisnotanewtechnologypersebutitisincreasinglybeingadoptedasdatacostsaredecliningallowingusalltousemoreforlessmoney

With so much different options available to you, you may be wondering why you would need a video call option in Instagram.

How does the Instagram video call work?

To use it , you do not have so you do not need to download anything and it should be available immediately.

For Instagram, the selling point is simple: you can talk AND scroll through your news feed at the same time.


So when you start the video call in the "Direct messages" part of the application, you can actually reduce the call and continue scrolling … if you can not live without seeing the latest images.

It does not seem that Instagram is looking to replace Skype or FaceTime, it is rather to add a practical feature that corresponds to current trends.

What is special is that Instagram now offers group video calls before WhatsApp, which also belongs to Facebook.

What other apps can I use?

The video call is the feature to have right now, so you will not be surprised to learn that there is no shortage of competitors who also offer a video chat.

The group call is the main attraction and it seems that we are currently experiencing an arms race between the giants of the techno on who this is pable of crowding as many people into a newsgroup as possible.


Apple recently unveiled 32 people FaceTime video calls along with its new software update iOS 12.

If just talking to one person is not enough, here's an overview of what's on offer:

  • Instagram video call : 4 people
  • Snapchat : 16 people (or 32 people if it's only an audio call)
  • Skype : 25 people
  • Facebook Messenger : 50 people
  • Google Hangouts : 25
  • FaceTime : 2 (Apple adds 32 in September with iOS 12)

Then there are also the additional features that each of these applications can offer. FaceTime, for example, allows you to continue using the rest of your smartphone while chatting. Of course, it also has the disadvantage that it only works between Apple devices.

Messenger on the other hand allows you to chat with about fifty people, but again it comes with the compromise that you do not will actually be able to see about six of them.

This text originally published on the United Kingdom HuffPost was translated from English.

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