"Israel being the Nation-State of the Jewish People"


Complete and definitive text of the Basic Law "Israel being the Nation-State of the Jewish People" adopted by the Knesset on July 19, 2018 and published on the same day.

Basic Law: Israel being the Nation-State of the Jewish people

1. Fundamental Principles

 - A. The Land of Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people, in which the State of Israel was created.

 - B. The State of Israel Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, in which it realizes its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination.

 - C. The Right to Exercise National Self-Determination in the State of Israel Israel is peculiar to the Jewish people

2. Symbols of the State

 - A. The name of the State is "Israel."

 - B. The State Flag is white with two blue stripes near the edges and a blue Star of David in the center.

 - C. The state emblem is a seven-branched menorah with olive leaves on both sides and the word "Israel" below

 - D. The anthem of the state is "Hatikvah."

 - E. The details of the symbols of the state will be determined by law. 19659007] 3. The Capital of the State

Jerusalem, whole and unified, is the capital of Israel.

4. Language

 - A. The language of the state is Hebrew

 - B. The Arabic language has a special status in the state; the regulation of the use of Arabic in and by the State institutions shall be determined by law.

 - C. This provision does not affect the status accorded to the Arabic language before this the law does not come into force

5. Return of exiles

The state will be open to Jewish immigration and the return of exiles

6. Relationship with the Jewish People

 - A. The State shall endeavor to ensure the safety of members of the Jewish people in difficulty or in captivity because of their Jewishness or citizenship.

 - B. The State will act in the Diaspora to strengthen the affinity between the State and the members of the Jewish people

 - C. The State will act to preserve the cultural, historical and religious heritage of Jewish people among the Jews of the Diaspora

7. Jewish Colonies

 - A. The State considers the development of Jewish settlements as a national value and will act to encourage and promote their creation and strengthening.

8. Official Calendar

The Hebrew calendar is the official calendar of the State and at the same time as this one the Gregorian calendar will be used as the official calendar. The use of the Hebrew calendar and the Gregorian calendar will be fixed by law

9. Independence Day and Commemorative Days

 - A. Independence Day is the National Day of the State.

 - B. Commemoration Day for those who died in the Wars of Israel and in the Holocaust and Remembrance Day of Heroism are the commemorative festivals of the State.

10. Days of Rest and Sabbath

The Sabbath and the feasts of Israel are the days of rest instituted in the state; non-Jews are entitled to keep the days of rest during their Sabbaths and feasts; the details of this question will be fixed by law

11. Immutability

This Basic Law can not be changed except by another Basic Law pbaded by the Members.

Original English Source: Full text of Basic Law: Israel and the Nation State of the Jewish People [19659037] publication of 19 July 2018 by the Knesset Spokesman (knesset.gov.il)

French translation by Yves Jardin for the AFPS

See the press release of the AFPS office July 19, 2018:
"Israel: The Apartheid State inscribed in the Constitution"


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