Jawad Bendaoud placed in custody for possession of narcotics


Jawad Bendaoud, the landlord of two jihadists of 13 November was arrested yesterday evening in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) and placed in custody for "outrages", "use and possession of narcotics", indicated Thursday the floor of Bobigny. He was arrested after "insulting" police, said a source close to the investigation, confirming information from Europe 1. He was in possession of "a few grams of cannabis," said another source close to the 'case. He was still in custody on Thursday morning. "Furious", his lawyer, Xavier Nogueras, refused to confirm the custody and told AFP to file a complaint for "violation of the secrecy of the investigation."


-Jawad Bendaoud, the "landlord of Daesh", relaxed

Jawad Bendaoud was released in February from the head of "concealment of terrorist criminals" by the Criminal Court of Paris. It will be retried from 21 November following a call from the prosecutor. In April, the 31-year-old, a regular at the courts and media reports, was sentenced to six months' suspended sentence for threats against his ex-companion.

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