Jeff Bezos has a fortune exceeding 150 billion dollars


The fortune of Jeff Bezos, boss of Amazon, has grown by 50 billion in eight months, making him the richest man in the world for decades, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Fortune Jeff Bezos, founder and boss of Amazon, reached Monday $ 150 billion, placing it very far ahead of the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, and its $ 95 billion, according to Bloomberg estimates. The soaring stock price of Amazon, a company he founded and of which he is the main shareholder with nearly 17%, brought him $ 50 billion this year.

"READ ALSO – Jeff Bezos, Amazon's boss, is the richest man in the world

Bill Gates' fortune had briefly reached 100 billion dollars in 1999, a threshold now largely exceeded by Jeff Bezos, 54 years old. Historically, however, it still remains far behind people like the oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller (died in 1937) and the steel baron Andrew Carnegie (died in 1919), whose wealth today would reach 300 billion dollars. dollars, taking into account inflation

Amazon Foundation 1994

In 2014, Jeff Bezos was worth $ 32 billion. He founded Amazon, originally a simple online bookstore, in 1994. The multinational is now one of the most powerful in the world, and has diversified its activities by launching into the "cloud" (online data storage). ), artificial intelligence or video streaming. Jeff Bezos notably bought the Washington Post, the American reference newspaper, in 2013.

Bloomberg's announcement came during the "Prime Day" super-promotion operation, which offers discounts to Amazon's premium subscribers for 36 hours.

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