Jonathann Daval went back on his confession, exculpates himself and blames the family clan


It is hard to believe that five months after he accused himself of the murder of his wife Alexia, for whom he was indicted – and imprisoned – on January 30, Jonathann Daval retracted his confession totally exonerate. More serious: it now evokes complicities and involves some members of the family, starting with the husband of Alexia's sister, Gregory Gay, in the chain of events that led to the death of his wife, on the night of 27 to 28 October 2017, in Gray (Haute-Saône). Delivered last week to the investigating judge, this new version allows him to minimize his role and to release himself from his criminal responsibility, in the crime for which he is, to date, only worried.

These accusations were revealed this morning to the first concerned: Isabelle and Jean-Pierre Fouillot, Alexia's parents, her sister Stéphanie and her husband Grégory Gay. These four relatives, all civil parties, were convened this Wednesday, July 4 by the investigating judge in charge of the case at the courthouse of Besançon, with their lawyer, Jean-Marc Florand. The magistrate received them in turn, for more than five hours, to deliver them the content of the last record of hearing of Jonathann Davall, questioned on June 27, at his request, in this same cabinet.

What does Jonathann say? That a dispute broke out at the graylois home of her in-laws, who had organized a raclette evening, the evening of Friday, October 27, 2017. At the end of the meal, Alexia would have been "again" in the grip of a "hysterical crisis" , to which the husband of his step-sister Stephanie, Grégory Gay, intermingled. According to Daval, the latter then strangled Alexia by wanting to calm her down; In the face of the drama, the whole family would have sealed a secret pact to stifle the affair, far from imagining that it would be so resonant. the concealment of evidence and the cremation of the corpse? Here again, Daval claims not to have participated, again challenging Grégory Gay.

It is an understatement to say that these statements will have the effect of a bomb in this already ultra-publicized case. [19659005] "We are summoned, it must be serious"

"The judge is very anxious to receive us this week. We do not know why but considering the urgency, it must be serious, "explained earlier this week Mr. Florand to his customers.

Contacted this Wednesday afternoon by the East Republican, it has not not wanted to confirm or comment on the very serious charges brought by Jonathann Daval. He has, however, formally denied certain reports that Jonathann Daval implicated Alexia's parents. "Daval has significantly changed his first statements during his hearing on June 27," he just confirmed. "While he had so far made little of the facts and his remarks did not correspond to the material findings of the case, he wished to be re-heard for the third time. He could have said no more about it until the trial or retracted, instead he made long statements, after which he evoked a closed family session and a number of complicities. These very serious statements will have to be subject to precise verifications because, as they stand, they are in no way corroborated by the elements of the procedure ". Conclusion of Mr. Florand: "Jonathann was longer in his statements, but they do not stick more than the previous ones."

How have his customers reacted to these accusations that, if they were to be denied, are of extreme gravity? "As usual, they were stoic and courageous," said Mr. Florand.

For his third audition, Daval would have told a different story than the one he gave to the gendarmes on 30 January, after thirty-five hours of custody, version almost word for word on March 9, during his first appointment at the judge. In his first confession, the young computer scientist Upper-Sônois finally acknowledged his "responsibility" in the death of his wife, while he tried to "calm" and "control" after a violent dispute in the home
This family quarrel – one more – had erupted after a raclette party attended by his parents, his sister and his brother-in-law. In his first confessions, Jonathann Daval had stuck to some evasive explanations. "An accident", summarized his lawyer, Mr. Schwerdorffer, while the custody of his client had just been lifted. "Violence has certainly been exercised but my client did not voluntarily kill his wife," was trying to explain the bisontin criminalist, facing the journalists mbaded in front of the fort of the Justices, headquarters of the bisontine gendarmerie. During a press conference held in the evening, when Daval had just been indicted for "aggravated murder", a crime punishable by life imprisonment, the Besançon prosecutor, Edwige Roux-Morizot, had formally dismissed this badumption, ensuring to hold all the evidence of a willful homicide.

At his hearing on March 9, in the judge's office, Jonathann Daval was hardly more verbose. Once again, he had unfolded the scenario of a dispute that would have gone wrong, swearing that he did not want to kill his wife or participate in the cremation of his corpse. The partially burned body was found on October 30, two days after the tragedy, at the edge of the forest, at the exit of Gray, during a fight organized by the gendarmes.

A hearing "very different from previous "

" Very weak, weak and thin, "as his lawyers argued, Alexia's alleged murderer had not commented on the facts until his last hearing on June 27. Requinqué, at least less depressed after several weeks of intensive care at the regional medical-psychological service (SMPR) of Dijon prison, he had himself taken the initiative to seek his judge, so he rehearing. Nothing has filtered so far from this third audition. It was only known that the interrogation had been "longer", "more complicated" and especially "very different from the previous ones".

It was a week ago.

Besançon public prosecutor, Edwige Roux-Morizot could express himself in the evening on these new twists.

"All this is based on no foundation" (an investigator)

Faced with this rebound, prosecutors and investigators continue to oppose a trust absolute in the strength of their record, fed the many material elements garnered by the investigators of the SR Besançon: on the scene of crime, shreds of a cloth that belonged to the couple and served as a shroud to the young woman were taken and placed under seal; the night of the drama, between 27 and 28 October 2017, the body of the victim was loaded and transported in the husband's official vehicle, as revealed by the tracker (on-board GPS) of the car; multiple genetic fingerprints could be taken from the couple's home, in the vehicle and in the forest where Alexia's body was burned … What "concrete" a future order to return to the badizes, according to them. "We will check all this but what he said [les accusations et rétractations de Jonathann Daval] is based on no foundation," says a source close to the investigation. "For us, these reversals have no other purpose than to dilute the responsibilities and maintain a certain vagueness on the sequence of events, in favor of the main mis en cause. But none of this is substantiated; the conclusion to which we have arrived is the good, "says the same source.

The prosecutor of Besançon, who was celebrating Tuesday night his pot of departure – she is transferred to Mulhouse – made no comment. His successor, the current prosecutor of Epinal, Etienne Manteaux, inherit a more complicated file than he imagined.

When Me Florand pointed out "the inconsistencies" of the file

In an interview with L'Est Républicain in early June, Me Florand had urged the judge to organize a new hearing as soon as possible. "The more we advance, the less we see in this story," he grew impatient, noting "several inconsistencies" between the first statements of Jonathann, the findings of the investigators and the results of the autopsy. The forensic doctor, who concluded that he had died of strangulation, noted numerous signs of beatings carried out with extreme violence. "Mr. Daval confessed, but it was to say nothing, or almost nothing. Nothing to compare his statements to the material evidence on the record; no formal proof, "hammered then the lawyer of the civil parties, for whom" it misses the principal: the chronology of the facts, the motive of the crime, its mode of operation, the before and the after … ". "We are far from the objective truth", still considered Me Florand, going so far as to declare in our columns "not to be 100% convinced of the guilt" of Jonathann Daval. "It will surely be in the final credits but I do not know where," he confides a little later at the microphone of RTL.

He did not think so well say … Daval he heard this call from his prison and seized the opportunity to really explain himself? In any case, the one Alexia's parents swore to "love as a son" outpaced the judge's appeal. This time he had things to say. Now he would defend himself, break the secret and send everyone back to his responsibilities. It was a week ago.


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