Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin, Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson: What are the risks when love goes fast?


Psycho and well-being

Justin Bieber made her request to Hailey Baldwin after 1 month of relationship, Ariana Grande became engaged to Pete Davidson after only three weeks. Why want to get involved as fast?

Some people "feel" that they have found their soul mate and therefore follow their instinct. This is the case of Justin Bieber who published a very beautiful declaration of love to Hailey Baldwin on his Instagram account. "I was counting on waiting a little before announcing it, but since everyone is talking about it … Hailey, I'm so in love with you, I want to commit myself to spending my life getting to know each part of you I promise to lead our family with honor and integrity and to let Jesus guide us in all we do and all the decisions we make, my heart is completely and completely yours and I will always make you First, you're the love of my life and I would not want to spend it with anyone but you Make me so much better and we complement each other so well It's funny because now everything seems to make sense. The thing I'm most proud of is seeing my little brother and little sister attend a stable marriage and try to get the same thing. (…) "

" I do not know what I did to deserve so much happiness but I thank God for giving me a little is also amazing with whom to share my life. No words can express my gratitude "tweeted the young woman.

For his part, Pete Davidson explained that " the words could not express how Ariana is a treasure ".

"Life is too short to criticize something as beautiful as love" tweeted Ariana Grande proving that she did not care at all for her detractors

Does the heart have its reasons that reason does not know?

"Everyone has his own reasons for wanting to get involved very quickly" explains the psychologist Emanuela Garau. "If anyone a desire to get married after a few weeks, it may be linked to a desire to move quickly together, to build a project very quickly. If another wants to take his time before getting married, it may be due to a fear of commitment. Everyone's motives are reflected in their personal and family history, but also in the societal context in which they grew up. "

On social networks, the stars have been widely criticized, but as Emanuela Garau recalls, "there is no ideal period after which to engage, everything depends on the couple. Some couples may be together for several years before getting married and then separating. Others can get together very quickly and go very well. The opposite is possible too. The dynamics of the couple is obviously very important. "

What are the dangers?

Nevertheless, there are certain risks to want to engage too early. " The danger is that we do not take the time to discover the other. We must indeed take the time to discuss, to agree on the values ​​of each and the values ​​they want to pbad on to their children if they want to. There are discussions that must be had before committing to see if the couple has a common vision of things. "

Listening to your heart is not a bad thing, but the decision must be carefully


And if Scooter Braun was at the center of these quick weddings?

The bad languages ​​on the internet do not hesitate to accuse the manager of Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande, Scooter Braun, d 'having had the idea to announce their hasty marriage in order to offer them a pub shot.

When a surfer tweeted "the devil hard hump but Scooter Braun bump even harder", Ariana Grande could not to refrain from answering him in a tweet deleted since. "Do you realize that we are human beings? Scooter is a wonderful person who takes care of our health and well-being. Love is there. Problems happen. I hope that it will happen to you, you deserve it. "

That has the merit of setting the record straight!

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