Kingdom Hearts 3 – 40 to 50 hours of play minimum to complete the game


Arlesian Kingdom Hearts III will finally bring the conclusion that fans have been waiting for so long. Of course, after all this time, it is legitimate to wonder what will be the life of the Square Enix title. At first, do not worry, if you're really motivated, it can go up to 80 hours.

Make the pleasure last

There will be jealous. The site had the opportunity to test a demo of Kingdom Hearts 3 and brought full information in his wallet. Among them, the estimated lifetime of the game. Square Enix baderts that it would take no less than 40 to 50 hours just to buckle the main story . It can go up to 80 hours if you are an aficionado of mini-games and other game elements annexes . takes this opportunity to report his impressions as Kingdom Hearts 3, which he considers more fluid than ever . On the other hand, there is the return of invocations as well as the possibility of bringing down attractions of Disneyland parks . This feature will be specific to some fights and boss but the site was able to engage on a roller coaster to swing fireworks at a boss and finish with a special finish move.

D ' on the other hand, it is now possible to load the Keyblade with the attacks. Once the gauge is filled, the player can swing a powerful special attack knowing that apparently there are many.

But that's not all since each model of Keyblade can now to be improved in order to be viable even at the end of the game. More frustration to expect on this side.

Kingdom Hearts III will be released on January 29, 2019 on PS4 / Pro and Xbox One / X

Pre-order on Amazon (PS4 / Xbox One).

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