To counter Apple and its iPad Pro, Microsoft would be developing a new Surface Tablet at a low price. This project, named Libra, could take shape with the tablet that just pbaded its certification at the FCC. The information gathered during the pbadage within the American certification body remains for the moment very sporadic, but tend to confirm that the Libra project could indeed be a reality. [19659003] microsoft libra.jpg ” border=”0″/>
The machine would have a charger of 24W only against 36W for the current Surface. This could indicate that the Model 1824 – the FCC name for the mysterious Microsoft machine – would be less greedy than the existing Surface, so perhaps less powerful and smaller. The name provided by Microsoft also does not refer to current products, implying that the new tablet would not be a simple update of an existing Surface.
Small size for small price?
first rumors have been circulating for a few weeks now. The Libra project would be a new Surface tablet with Windows 10 Pro. The screen size will be revised downward from 12 "to 10", all adopting a more rounded look, closer to the tablet than the hybrid.
The future Low-cost Surface would also have a USB Type-C port, never yet integrated on the machines of this range. Small size requires, the autonomy would be less, capping at 10h against more than 13h on the current Surface Pro. And of course, the price will be softer. Rumors announce a cost of $ 400. This price seems a little too attractive, knowing the prices charged by Microsoft. Note however that it will pay the touch pen and keyboard separately, which will raise the bill drastically. A 4G LTE version would also be available.
The rumors seem to be verified, but it will still have to wait for long months before seeing a low-cost Surface tablet arrive. However, Microsoft seems to want to diversify its ranges, the proof with the release of Windows 10 for ARM processors or the Andromeda convergence project. Just hope that all these projects do not remain in the state of supputation!
Modified on 04/07/2018 at 15h33