Maggie De Block Launches Application for Complementary Activities – Belgium


This measure, which has had a turbulent parliamentary course and has provoked many criticisms from the social partners, who see it as unfair competition, will allow wage-earners (at least 4/5), self-employed, pensioners or claimants employment to perform "useful activities for society", either from individual to individual or in the service of a non-profit organization. They will also be able to generate revenue by contributing, through an approved platform, to the collaborative economy of type Airbnb or Ubereats.

These benefits may reach 500 euros per month exempt from taxes and social security contributions. Thanks to the application presented this Sunday, the citizens using the system will be able to declare their complementary activities to the ONSS, the latter having to appear on a list of authorized activities. Associations using these citizens will also have to complete a declaration.

"These activities for a neighbor or for an badociation are of great importance to society, they strengthen social ties, but often they are provided free of charge or in the dark, and with our system we solve this problem because 'exemption, the administrative burden will also be reduced through enforcement,' commented the minister.

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