McLaren has changed the chassis of Vandoorne


In great difficulty since two Grands Prix, and especially in Hockenheim, Stoffel Vandoorne will use a different chbadis this weekend in Budapest. The Belgian driver struggled to leave the last positions of the standings last weekend in Germany, before a slight better race, but he describes for two weeks his McLaren as being "inconduisible" .

It is not a new chbadis that will have on the Hungaroring, but a chbadis already used previously in the season. McLaren and Vandoorne are hoping to solve the problems they have encountered lately, which appeared on the track as in the telemetry data but without the team being able to identify the exact cause.

"Tomorrow we will test with the two cars [la sienne et celle de Fernando Alonso] to understand " specifies Vandoorne. "I hope we will not find anything, which means that both cars are good, I do not know when this chbadis was used before, but it is different [de celui de Silverstone et Hockenheim]."

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In Germany, McLaren spent a lot of time looking for what was wrong with Stoffel Vandoorne's car, to no avail. It was the driver himself who insisted on having a new chbadis. "It's not easy for the team, especially with two consecutive Grands Prix, but they managed" he says.

"They had already seen at Silverstone that there was something, but it was hard to say if it was chbadis-related, at that time I had not driven the car, so we did not know yet. made to remove the slightest doubt. "

" For them, it was clear that there was something, according to the data, but it was hard to know which piece exactly caused this. We started changing a lot of parts on the car, making sure there was nothing wrong with the badembly, no matter what we did, we still had the same problem. "

Stoffel Vandoorne will have a serious start on Friday morning, during the first free practice session on the Hungaroring. "I hope we can start the weekend here from scratch and without any problem, then live a normal weekend" concludes Vandoorne. "It would be very good, I do not doubt myself."

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