Mechanics on strike for "recognition of their profession"


Air France planes on the tarmac of an airport (illustration image). – Mario FOURMY / SIPA

New strike movement in full weekend of departures on vacation. Air France's CGT and SUD unions on Wednesday called on the company's flight mechanics to go on strike from Thursday night to Saturday evening to obtain "a revaluation of their business sector", but this move should have no impact on traffic, According to the management of the company.

"The entire flight program should be provided," said a spokesman for the management, adding however that it was "too early to determine" with accuracy "possible disruptions"

A strike with "low operational impact"

The strike notice, which concerns "certain" mechanics, was filed for a period from Thursday at 22h to Saturday at 22h, a said this spokesman. "The company deplores this strike movement that comes during a period of high activity," he added. The mechanics responsible for aircraft maintenance claim "recognition of the profession, experience, skills," told Pascal Belrose Pascal CGT. This conflict is not limited to a claim on remuneration, he insisted.

This call to strike will have "a low operational impact" because "the management is organized" by calling on companies under or contracted Air France executives with the necessary certifications, explained Pascal Belrose.

The conflict, which began in December with "regular strike action" since, had been "suspended" to leave a chance Negotiations with management, but he resumed with a strike on June 21, added the unionist. No meeting is planned at this time with the management, he said.

A wage benefit for outside employees

This protest movement broke out when management had to "for the first time recruit mechanics outside the company ", after having" dried up its usual recruiting sector (CFA air) "by ceasing to hire, say the CGT Air France and SUD-Aérien in

To find candidates, management "had to re-evaluate the level of the career grid", thus giving "a certain advantage to outside employees" compared to the teams in place, Belrose said. On the pay slip, the difference can reach 400 euros, according to him.

"This injustice was not recognized by Air France management who never received our union organizations to negotiate an exit protocol conflict, "the two unions accuse.

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